Źródło opisu
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Fortune, Jan
Craig, Adam
Dutton, Andrew
Darbyshire, Bobbie
Austin, Jane
Cromer, Mish
Ford, Stephen
Iceton, Tracey
Pashley, Michelle Angharad
Strachan, Carole
Young, Jennifer
Barnie, John
Batten, David
Bryce, Jane
Connell, Sarah
Cooksley, Jody
Cox, Beth
Dalgetty, Alexina
Davies, Gareth
Durdey, Tricia
Fortune, Rowan B
Godfrey, Mark
Gray, LB
Gregory, Yaara Lahav
Harpur, James
Harvey, Michael
Hopkins, Tamsin
Hoyland, Kate
Mahmutovic, Adnan
Mairs, Rosemary
Manuel, Hazel
Marshall, Pete
May, Stephen
Morris, Jenny
Read, Paula
Reardon, Jo
Roberts, Marg
Saunders, S M
Simms, Gordon
Weldon, Lucy
White, Roger
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
66 wyników Filtruj
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Inspired by letters from family members who served on the Western Front and written home to Bangor, News From Nowhere describes the impact of war on a family, including Bronwyn, the sister coming of age as her brothers and father endure the torments of the trenches and the battlefield.Sometimes we get fed up in these shallow, narrow windings and run around on top, which isn't too bad as this part of the line is comparatively free of corpses. I've learned to control my stomach, but will never overcome my horror of the stench. Dodging bombs is surprisingly easy, when you can see them coming. One of the sentries shouts, coming over Right, or Left, and we clear into dugouts. At first you see a heavy puff of smoke, then the bomb, which looks like a champagne bottle, turning over and over as it flies.
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Renegade / Jane Austin. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2022.
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Justin, a popular Leeds professor, seeks redemption in the ashes of youthful idealism. Holding together his family is already a struggle as his son, Sanjay, is drawn into radical politics by his lover Farida, who joins a Kurdish Women's militia to fight ISIS. With nerves already frayed, Justin's wife, Harpreet, is devastated when revelations of his past as an urban bomber come to light, turning his life upside down. Can love and loyalty prevent this family from imploding? Jane Austin's second novel, Renegade is a compelling story of 70s rebellion, revolution in Rojava and a family in a tailspin; a tale that touches the beating heart of our times.
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Tsunami Days / John Barnie. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2023.
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"We need more writers with bite. We have lived in the flatlands too long," writes John Barnie in one of his 'observations' ('Art in the Flatlands'). And bite he delivers. Ranging across politics, history, culture, ecological disaster, the meaning of truth, poetry, what we mean by identity and more… Barnie shares a window onto the world that is both erudite and particular. Leaning towards pessimism in a darkening world, these observations are often provocative, not from any bullish desire to antagonise, but as the result of mining a rationalist line of thought with an honesty and consistency that is applied as much to the author as to his subjects. There is a clarity here that some may find uncomfortable, but the aim is always dialogue above agreement; intellectual engagement above cheap solutions and sentimentality. Barnie asks us to think, consider and dig deeper, but most of all he asks that we "…live richly among our secondary self-created meanings, while recognising them for what they are. To face without flinching the nullity of the great void." ('Varieties of Meaning') Tsunami Days is a vital collection of essays for those prepared to engage with its unflinching observations.
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Transhumance / David Batten. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2016.
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In the mountains of France the seasonal movement of livestock from one region to another acts as a metaphor for transition and transformation in the human the human world, whilst 'humance' relates us to the natural world; to the animals we rely on, to the seasons affecting our behaviours, our movements. And the seasons themselves are also in transition: behaving – often unpredictably – according to a cosmic order governed by strange powers: black holes, red/black/white dwarves, planets, stars. The tightly honed lyrical poetry of Transhumance follows a narrative arc that recognises that we are irrelevant in our minuteness and yet central to everything; without our interference things fall apart, yet sometimes our interference is what unravels things. Exploring how humanity is rooted in and linked to everywhere and everything, Batten brings a fresh voice and precise language to this reflective debut collection.
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Zamani / Jane Bryce. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2024.
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Haunted by memories of a Tanzanian childhood abruptly ended when her parents were deported, Jane Bryce returns in search of the past only to be ambushed by the present. As she retraces her own and her parents' footsteps she is surprised by unexpected connections, reaching back into the colonial past, and further, to a time of myth and legend. The key to understanding what holds these together comes to her in the form of 'zamani'—the Swahili sea of time where spirits inhabit places and landscape, memory animates the everyday and voices from the past speak to the present. Collectively these voices paint a picture of social and political change in Tanzania over the last 50 years, and invite the author to take her place in it.
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Whenever / Sarah Connell. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2019.
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Christine wakes up one morning to discover that her husband, Ray, did not come home from his evening out with a friend. She waits to hear from him but has no message or news. The friend she thought he had arranged to see has left a phone message to say that he is sorry they did not meet. Ray's work believe he has gone away on sabbatical and the police are sympathetic but unhelpful. Ray is gone and there is no reason to think he might come back again soon. From being settled and content, Christine's life lies in tatters. Until she encounters a young man tending a cat injured by a speeding car. Against her instincts, Christine is drawn to the young man and strange, fragile association grows between them, one which gradually alters Christine's life.
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What is a life without Art and Beauty? Not one that Julia chooses to live. And so she searches the world for both, discovering happiness through the lens of a camera. A fictional account of pioneer photographer, Julia Margaret Cameron, and her extraordinary quest to find her own creative voice, The Glass House brings an exceptional photographer to life. From the depths of despair, with her relationships strained and having been humiliated by the artists she has given a home to, Julia rises to fame, photographing and befriending many of the day's most famous literary, artistic, political and scientific celebrities. But to succeed as a female photographer, she must take on the Victorian patriarchy, the art world and, ultimately, her own family. And the doubts are not all from others. As Julia's uneasy relationship with fame grows into a fear that the camera has taken part of her soul, her search leads her full circle, back to India, in her lifelong quest for peace and beauty. A poignant, elegant and richly detailed debut.
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Britannia Street / Beth Cox. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2022.
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Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself. When life unravels for Beth after the break up of a long marriage, she finds herself reaching back for answers. Into her past as a troubled, pregnant teenager in a home rapidly falling apart. Into the life of her great-grandmother, using her skills as a researcher and psychoanalyst to find the truth behind family secrets. Moving between past and present, through parallel stories of family disintegration and lives knocked off course, and exploring how secrets resonate with shame down through the generations, Britannia Street is a story of how a woman carries trauma to her family and the world. A story with which so many will empathise. Will Beth be able to discover the lost parts of herself buried beneath the roles of daughter, wife, mother, nurse? Can she learn to understand and forgive herself? Will she emerge to find love again, and with who? Sometimes we have no idea why we make the choices we do, but for Beth, there is the chance to make the right choice. Family secrets and resilience weave together in this compelling story of how we deal with loss of so many kinds, even the loss of self. From historical fiction author, Beth Cox, Britannia Street is a vivid, compassionate fictionalised biography that will grip you from beginning to end.
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Ruined by the 1929 stock market crash, Tristram finds himself penniless and stranded in Budapest, friendless and far from home. He's given a last chance to save himself—simply deliver an old locket to be repaired. But in a near miss road accident, the locket vanishes and he finds himself on the streets. Befriended by the suave but dissolute Voit, Tristram becomes convinced the locket has been stolen by the ruthless Attar Nox and he and Voit try to steal it back. The robbery goes wrong and Tristram finds himself on the run. Along the way, he meets Alba, Nox's fiancée and former prisoner. As they find temporary refuge in a small basement flat, Tristram is haunted by spectres past and present and, when their safety is finally shattered by the appearance of an unexpected ghost from his past, he is forced deeper into a quest that is stranger and more challenging than Tristram realises. Blending echoes of Celtic myth and Grail legend with an undercurrent of Alchemical thought, A Locket of Hermes is a spiritual quest towards a deeper reality, a deeper sense of self.
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Strange, evocative and darkly fairytale, the seventeen short pieces in A wild animal ate a person in the woods dip into metaphor, explore our fears and probe the shadows of human consciousness. Are the monsters outside or inside? How many people can one person be? Is there somewhere better? How do we bridge the gap between one mind and the next? Adam Craig explores questions of identity, loneliness and emotion with exquisite delicacy.
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Honza Pernath's life is barren. The person he loves is gone and his friends, even his dreams, say she will not return. When a chance meeting sets him on a search for his lost love, the path is neither straight nor easy and Honza comes to doubt everything, including the one he searches for. A single image—a star rising over the sea—calls him on, but that image is more than it seems and as Honza nears its source, his search reveals more than he could have imagined. A sequel to the mysterious and beautiful short story, 'Marietta Merz' (now an illustrated chapbook), Child of the Black Sun is an exploration of the living symbols at the core of everyday life; a visionary evocation of the internal journey.
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High City Walk / Adam Craig. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2017.
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Grief stricken, a sailor blames a sentient sea for his wife's death … An orphan girl searches Europe for the secret of Alchemy … Illicit lovers try to alter time … And, in a strange land, a bizarre ritual culminates in the Kiss …Short listed for the 2017 Saboteur Award for Best Collection, High City Walk side-slips genre as easily as it bends the rules of common reality, offer seventeen stories that interweavie threads of grief and loneliness, yearnings for ages and lives lost or yet to be found, the transformative power of love and its capacity for destruction. Lyrical, surreal, mythical or everyday, the collection spans past, present and futures as possible as they are cataclysmic, yet always it takes you to the heart of its characters' dreams and nightmares to finds that, often, there is hope in the worst of situations.
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Seventeen short fables that take us to the heart of human interaction; the connections and the gaps. From finely observed character to the melancholy ache of hope; from the surreal to the lyrical, these deft, sometimes strange and always poignant pieces will delight and inspire.
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In darkness, she walks the labyrinth. Confused. Lost. But not alone. In the Paris of 1970, the hippie revolution has yet to crash land and Minnette searches hungrily for a way to enlightenment. She finds it. Or she finds something and the path of her life is set. But, by the beginning of the 21st Century, Minnette is haunted by the shades of recurring dreams and recurring memories, unsure whether the city around her is as solid as it appears. She looks back on her life's search — and on that a winter's evening in Toledo when, for a moment, the gates to another world may have opened — and feels the defeat of a life thrown away. But something moves in the shadows, something that comes closer each evening. Combining a mind-spinning vision of another reality just a step away from our own with searing character study and sensual, impressionist prose, In Dreams the Minotaur Appears Last is the latest novel from the author of the ground-breaking anti-novel Vitus Dreams and the acclaimed short story collection, High City Walk.
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Alabama Chrome / Mish Cromer. - [miejsce nieznane] : Cinnamon Press : Legimi, 2020.
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With nothing but a collection of vinyl records without a player, a shoebox of memories, and a lot of secrets, Cassidy is used to being alone. But when his camper-van breaks down in a snowstorm and he is rescued by a kind young woman, Lark, he finds himself working in a small-town bar and becoming part of the community. But with the arrival of an inscrutable new waitress, Reba, Cassidy finds himself unsettled by a sense of recognition. And there are further complications as Brooke Adler, reality TV host and hero of the town's inhabitants, arrives unexpectedly to shoot a new show. Cassidy is drawn into protecting Reba from the ghosts of her past only to discover that his own ghosts are chasing him and that he must find the courage to speak the truth, or risk losing everything, again. A story of family, both given and found, and the long shadow of domestic violence, Alabama Chrome interrogates the masks of the modern world, and what true kindness means.
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After a decade trying to accept that London is home, a devastating bereavement pushes 29 year old May to return to the rural Vermont town she fled so long ago. Ignoring her sister's strong misgivings, she immerses herself in creating a healing garden, bringing people together with the food she loves to cook, and renovating a dilapidated farmhouse until she starts to find a sense of peace and purpose. But as spring turns to sultry summer and she is thrown increasingly together with Harley, the man she loved and left ten years before, May is torn. Will she take a risk and follow her heart, or go back to London where her ever loyal sister is longing for her return? Mish Cromer's latest novel of love and friendship and the healing power of the natural environment explores the impact of family, trauma and loss, and the powerful need we all have to find the place where we belong. Praise for Mish Cromer's debut novel: Alabama Chrome You'll come for the wonderful characters — gruff Cassidy with a dark past, wise Lark, Belle and her beauty parlour, Evangeline the mechanic, Brooke Adler the hard-nosed reality TV presenter... then you'll be swept away by the fantastic sense of place. Set in small-town Kentucky and focusing on the bar which acts as the town's front porch where stories are told and secrets are ultimately revealed, Alabama Chrome is a beautifully written page-turner, told in a voice that will stay with you — along with the book's big heart. — Alison Chandler You begin to understand, reading this story, how important it is to allow yourself to be understood, — Joanne Merrison A compassionate and skilful tale of a soulful young man's struggle, vividly intertwined with the characters of a remote US town who welcomed him, and their reaction to the arrival of a controversial reality TV presenter. A gripping read. — Isabella
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I am Eve. Collector of words. I look them up. I write them down. I knead them into sentences. I am the story. When her mum rescues a book from a garbage can, Eve's life changes. She reads her way into the stories, into a place in the world, worlds she never knew existed. Eve becomes the story. Everything is possible. But with adulthood comes deception and betrayal; to survive Eve strips life bare. No stories, no people, no connection. But the stories are determined to win her back.
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Three troubled people, driven by loneliness, vanity and revenge, dash to the Scottish Highlands, where their lives become mysteriously entwined around a reading group in the Inverness public library. We've all done it—gone after one thing and found entirely another—but never as surprisingly as Henry, Peter & Elena. It's Friday, 18th February 2000, and they're in for an unsettling weekend among the book stacks of the library, on the blizzard-bound streets of Inverness, in the recesses of the Loch Craggan Hotel, and on the treacherous mountain above.
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Harry Whittaker is a world-famous, superstar actor, as revered as Laurence Olivier, as roguish as Jack Nicholson. When he dies suddenly of a heart attack he finds, to his astonishment, that he's still here among us, able to watch the effect of his mean-spirited will on those left behind. Meanwhile his unacknowledged son Richard is struggling to escape from his failing café in Worthing, his dotty, demanding mother and the wrong girlfriend…
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Galvanised by a health scare, Felix Walton's chances of remaking himself by ending his forty-two-year marriage may be slight, but they are otherwise zero, so he ups and runs from London to Norwich in search of a new start. His family's distress has him doubting his decision, and he must unravel the sad truth of his marriage if he is not to give in to remorse and go home. In a chaotic household of waifs and strays run by a warm, erudite earth mother, his fellow lodgers open his eyes to lives unlike his own, help him to make peace with his conscience and find meaning and joy, but the price is unforeseen danger.
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